Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Inspiration is Contagious

Autumn Inspiration

I have decided that inspiration is very contagious. It is something like hearing that your first grandchild is coming. The first thing you want to do after you hear something wonderful and meaningful to you is share it with someone else. Then as soon as that special someone hears your news, they pass it on to someone else and the first thing you know... the good news has traveled faster than wheels. Painting from inspiration is this way. Let me explain myself...... A couple of weeks ago one of my classes decided that they wanted to paint something that was seasonal for autumn. One girl brought some objects (various gourds and a pumpkin). She and I went outdoors and down the street, gathered some berries and leaves to add to the still life. Before long several of them were painting the still life and the atmosphere was almost festive. I was so inspired by what they were doing that I gathered some objects to set in a composition for a still life a few days later. After I painted the painting above, my other classes decided that they would like to paint something similar too. The original inspiration had traveled through several groups in a matter of one week. How wonderful that people can have common understanding of something that brings a spirit of festivity, goodness, food, seasons, and other mental, spiritual or emotional pictures. I believe that inspiration has a common denominator....a Creator, Designer, and Lord of all. So what kind of picture do I want to paint of my life before the world everyday? I desire that my inspiration comes from my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and that I would inspire others with the same kind of love He has showered on me.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful!
    There's such an old-fashioned tone to this one. I love it.
